Sci Comm Strategy for Clostridium difficle Infection!
As a Biology major, I have dove into research and science my entire undergraduate career, but it hasn’t been until recently that I began to think about how to effectively share my knowledge with a larger population. Unfortunately, as a college student, I find that we are all too familiar with being stuck in the “academic bubble,” where we fail to truly understand the worth of our accomplishments and achievements outside of the academy. For my last semester at Cornell, I enrolled in BIOG 3500 , Introduction to Applied Science Communication: Digital Platforms and Public Engagement in an effort to learn more about how to communicate science beyond conferences and poster sessions. But boy did I learn so much more! All 15 students enrolled in the class (sounds small, but trust me when I say it made the online classroom experience so much more personal and engaging) were tasked with creating a science communication strategy on a topic of their choice. F...
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